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Fun and Unique Asteroids in the Natal Chart: Part 3

Writer's picture: Jessie MJessie M

Updated: Aug 12, 2022

Siva (1170): Siva, or Shiva, is the Hindu deity known as the ‘Great Destroyer’ among all branches of the Hindu religion, with the name itself meaning “auspicious one.” He is one of three trinity of gods embodying the universal forces of creation, preservation, and destruction. In the Smarta tradition, a specific movement and branch of Hinduism, Shiva is considered one the five primary forms of God. He is known as the “Lord of the Dance,” often being portrayed dancing gracefully and trampling upon the god Maya, the spirit of ignorance. Aside from representing powerful natural forces in the universe, Shiva also represents mourning and the transformation that occurs as a result of going through that process. When Shiva’s first wife Sati died, he renounced all forms of indulgence and adopted a strict religious mourning lifestyle. He turned away from the affairs of the world, which in turn allowed evil forces to prevail in his absence. With the help of the goddesses of love and longing, Priti and Rati, Shiva’s wife Sati was able to be reborn as Parvati, who subsequently convinced Shiva to re-engage in the affairs of the world as his primary divine occupation. Shiva and Parvati are often portrayed as a half-male half-female deity, representing universal harmony and cosmic order. This asteroid, when prominently placed in the natal chart, will draw attention to the forces of destruction, dissolution, and purification. It’s likely that dramatic personal transformation will occur within the lifetime. When positively aspected, this asteroid can help the native develop a healthy fierce and confident disposition that will transform their life for the better. If afflicted by squares and oppositions, overly aggressive and confrontational tendencies may manifest. This asteroid is strong in the charts of those who transformed for the better and stood in their power.

Helena (101): This asteroid was named in honor of Helen of Troy (originally Helen of Sparta). She is an important figure in Greek mythology who was considered to be the most beautiful woman in the world. She is the daughter of the all-powerful god Zeus and the mortal Leda. She’s also the sister of divine twins Kastor and Polydeuces, who are represented by the constellation of Gemini. Helen was originally married to King Menelaus of Sparta before she was abducted by the Trojan prince Paris, who traded one of the singular golden apples to the goddess Aphrodite in exchange for a marriage to the “most beautiful woman in the world,” not even knowing this was considered to be Helen. When she was abducted, Menelaus retaliated, sparking the beginning of the infamous Trojan War. The name Helen means “torch,” while it may also be etymologically-related to Selene, the name of the ancient Greek goddess of the moon. These meanings certainly fit with Helen’s backstory, as she was described as radiant and luminous with a powerfully attractive and magnetic aura. Her beauty was known to attracted men “like moths to a flame,” with disastrously similar results! As you can image, having this asteroid prominently placed within the natal chart can bestow a sort of all-enticing beauty–physical, emotional, moral, or otherwise, depending on what major aspects and planets are involved. The native may be exceedingly charismatic, alluring, or seductive. If poorly aspected, the native could either noticeably lack these qualities or have their attentions fanatically-sought by others to the point of obsession, harassment, or the incitement of violent and drawn-out conflict.

Helwerthia (801): Helwerth was the maiden name of this asteroid’s discoverer. When looking at the translation, this surname translates roughly to “worthy of Hel,” or “[the] worth of Hel.” In Norse mythology, Hel is a goddess who presides over an afterlife realm of the very same name. This realm is not akin to the Westernized version of hell–an evil place where souls are supposed to reside for all of eternity in pain, suffering and agony. The realm of Hel in Norse mythology is considered to be a place where the souls of those who died of sickness or old age reside in solace for eternity. Hel is considered to be located within the greater dimension of Niflheim, translating to “mist home,” or “mist world.” It is also said that this realm lies beneath one of three major roots of Yggdrasil, or the “World Tree.” Hel, the goddess presiding over the realm of the same name, is the daughter of the trickster god Loki. She is rather daunting in appearance, being half flesh-colored and either half purely black-colored, without skin, or skeletal. She is known to strike fear in the hearts of men. Within her hands, she carries a dish called “Hunger” and a knife called “Famine.” She is also frequently shown carrying a scepter to indicate her Queenly rank. Jacob Grimm, a German mythologist, perceived overlap and made the connection between Hel and the fierce Hindu deity of death Mahakai, translating to “the great black goddess.” The Germanic meaning of the name “Hel” also translated to “one who hides something,” or “one who is hidden.” In the natal chart, this asteroid may draw attention to the themes of death, the afterlife, our ancestors, or solace in death. I’ve noticed this asteroid to be afflicted by squares and oppositions in the charts of those who have not had an overall positive relationship with death throughout their lifetime–meaning, they’ve lost those close to them through accident or tragedy, and much too soon. Some examples include squares/oppositions to Mars, Uranus, Pluto, and even conjunctions to Uranus.

Victoria (12): In ancient Roman mythology, Victoria is the goddess of victory. She was frequently worshiped by Roman army generals returning home from war after securing success on the battlefield. A temple for her worship was maintained on Palantine Hill, one of the Seven Hills of Rome. Physically, she is often portrayed as a winged woman riding a chariot, and/or holding a scepter in one hand, and a laurel wreath in the other. The laurel wreath itself is also a symbol of victory and the celebration of it, as they were frequently worn by the winners of grand sporting events in Rome. Victoria’s equivalent in Greek mythology is the goddess Nike, whom like Victoria, is often portrayed riding a chariot–as she attended to Zeus, King of the gods, and often had the duty of manning his chariot. When prominently placed, this asteroid may bestow the ability to triumph over obstacles, come out the other side unharmed, and ensure victory in conflict. From my research, it doesn’t appear that this asteroid will make a person unable to lose–rather, they simply have a better ability of bouncing back and trying again–which is much more likely to ensure success than just quitting altogether. When this asteroid is aspected by sextiles, trines, and conjunctions, these qualities are very likely to manifest in the native. When afflicted by squares and oppositions OR not aspected at all, the native may struggle to ‘get back on the horse,’ so to speak. BUT this is simply a minor asteroid–the whole natal chart must be assessed to come to such a conclusion.

Vinifera (759): This asteroid was named after the common grapevine, known as vitis viniferous, which is the the vine that is most commonly used to make wine. The asteroid’s discoverer, Franz Kaiser, had the familial and ancestral occupation of wine-making. The first mentions of wine date back to the very first known-example of poetry, the Sumerian Epic of Gilgamesh (27th century BCE), while early references have also been made by the ancient Egyptians, as well. In ancient Roman mythology, wine was the sacred beverage of the god Dionysus, the patron deity of theater, agriculture, and ecstasy. In medieval Europe, wine-making was common among noble families and for religious observances. In modern Christianity, wine is consumed during a sacred rite called the Eucharist, paying homage to the last supper of Jesus. In Judaism, a blessing known as Kiddush is recited over wine in order to sanctify religious observances. Having this asteroid prominently placed in the natal chart may bestow a love of wine, or alcohol consumption in general. Wine may play an important role in one’s life, whether it be through casual and/or social consumption or religious rites and rituals. One may very much appreciate the finer things in life, and a bit of indulgence. If afflicted by squares and oppositions, one may over-indulge in physical pleasures, or specifically alcohol consumption. Staunch wine-lovers I know have this asteroid conjunct their Ascendant, and majorly aspecting Venus and/or the Moon.

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Marc (71445): This asteroid was named after the discoverer’s son, whose name was Marc. The name itself is related to the Latin word Mars, and means “consecrated to the god Mars.” It is also related to the statements of “god of war” and “to be warlike.” In Roman mythology, Mars was originally a patron deity of agriculture and the protector of farms and cattle. As the Roman empire expanded through persistent military campaigns, Mars became a god of war, and eventually became perhaps the most worshiped Roman deity in the mythology. As the Romans were very successful in their war campaigns, ever increasing the size of the empire, Mars became known as a powerful protector of the Roman people, and the armies who fought the battles, specifically. In the mythos, Mars was the son of Jupiter and Juno, king and queen of the gods, and the husband of war goddess Bellona. When prominently placed in the natal chart, the native could develop strong masculine, confrontational, and aggressive qualities and be considered a protector or defender in their own right. When aspected by sextiles, trines, and conjunctions, it’s more likely that these qualities will be channeled without necessarily going overboard in aggression. Squares and oppositions may point to an individual who, at times, has issues with the mentioned personal qualities. I’ve noticed those who have this asteroid squaring (and occasionally conjunct) Saturn have a hard time being confrontational when need be.

Artist Unknown, 1800s

Nysa (44): This asteroid was named after the Greek mythological location of Nysa, the land where rain nymphs known as the Nysiads raised the god Dionysus from infancy. He is considered to be the patron deity of theater, agriculture, wine, and ecstasy, and is often portrayed as an effeminate and soft young man wearing leopard skin or riding a leopard. His aesthetic often includes grapes/grapevines, green ivy leaves, and the color purple, while dolphins, serpents, and bulls were also sacred to him. He is considered to have been concerned with freeing individuals from their ‘mundane selves,’ a.k.a. unlocking the potential for true joy, enjoyment, and ecstasy in the individual. Religious rites concerning Dionysus often revolved around becoming inebriated and partaking in ecstatic dancing. He was worshiped in Athens at the Dionysia and Lenaia festivals, which included many theatrical performances, dance, and drinking. When prominently placed in the natal chart (through sextiles, trines, or conjunctions), this asteroid invokes a true sense of jubilation and enjoyment concerning life overall in the individual. Theatrical, creative, and dramatic pursuits are exalted. The individual may have a penchant for arousing inspiration and joy in others, convincing them to see the beauty in all that there is. I’ve noticed this asteroid receives little to no major aspects in those that seem to have difficulty in experiencing joy in their everyday lives. When afflicted by squares and oppositions, the same can hold true–they may have a hard time experiencing joy, or the individual may tend to go overboard with things that bring out ecstasy and jubilation in them–such as going out to restaurants too frequently, going dancing, drinking, drugs, and the like.

Arctica (1031): This asteroid was named after the Arctic, a region surrounding the North Pole on our planet. The word ‘arctic’ itself is derived from Greek and translates to “bear,” which is one of the few animals that are able to inhabit this frozen and desolate region of the Earth (polar bears). When prominently placed in the natal chart, this asteroid attributes the qualities of the great northern bear–strength, courage, perseverance, survivability, and even the possibility of surviving and thriving in inhospitable environments. One may be fond of the snow and colder weather in general. It’s also possible that the individual may go to extremes to persevere and to protect what is theirs or those that they love. I’ve noticed that when this asteroid is afflicted by squares, oppositions, and sometimes even conjunctions, an individual may come across as gruff, tough, and potentially even rude in demeanor. When aspected by Mars through sextile, trine, or conjunction, the individual may prefer colder environments overall. It seems this asteroid has the potential to protect an individual when prominently placed in the natal chart, no matter what they may experience or go through in their lifetime.

Yes (7707): This asteroid was named after the English progressive rock band, Yes. The word ‘yes’ is commonly used to express assent or affirmation. It comes from the old English word gise or gese, meaning “so be it.” It arose to be used as a more energetic and forceful version of the old English ‘yea,’ expressing acceptance, agreement, endorsement, or affirmation. When prominently placed in the natal chart, this asteroid can confer auspicious circumstances for an individual. They may be more likely to quite literally receive a “yes” in any given situation they are asking about or striving for. Positive and advantageous situations may be experienced and helpful or fortunate positions may be acquired. I’ve noticed that this asteroid is afflicted by squares and/or oppositions in the charts of individuals who have had a hard time reaching their goals or “getting their foot in the door,” so to speak. It doesn’t appear to negatively affect striving or determination, however–it simply can mean that the individual may not have quite as easy of a time obtaining what it is they go after. Look to the planets this asteroid positively aspects (sextile, trine, or conjunction) in order to determine how and where you are likely to receive positive reactions and opportunities–for example, if Yes is sextiled by Saturn, putting efforts into your concentration and disciplinary faculties can illicit positive results.

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